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UI Menu Bar

Expand your design pallet with a Multi-Page interface experience. Create a spacious interactive design experience to bring to life big ideas.

Building a Menu Object

 Creating a Menu Graphical Object To create the Menu you must first generate the structure through funBuildo function


s = funBuildo('menu',Tag,Position,Fields)


 Several Axeso funBuildo Structure Properties

Note: There are over +25 fields, not all are covered here


Field:        barColor

Type:        1x3 vector with elements between 1 and 0, or defined string

Purpose: The Backround Color to Bar, 

default:   FontSize is set to[0.9922 0.8902 0.6549]


Field:        Indent

Type:        Double

Purpose: Defines how far to indent menu bar position

default:   Color is set to 2


Field:        FontSize

Type:        Double

Purpose: The Font size of the text displayed for the x-axis, and y-axis titles, 

default:   FontSize is set to '12'.


Field:        Color

Type:        1x3 vector with elements between 1 and 0, or defined string

Purpose: Defines the color for the menu.

default:   Color is set to [0.3430 0.4654 0.5750].


Field:        FontColor

Type:        1x3 vector with elements between 1 and 0, or defined string

Purpose: Defines the color for the font color normal.

default:   FontColor is set to [0.3430 0.4654 0.5750].


Field:        FontHColor

Type:        1x3 vector with elements between 1 and 0, or defined string

Purpose: Defines the color for the font color when mouses hover.

default:   FontHColor is set to [0.3430 0.4654 0.5750].



After you have created the structure you may generate an object with it by calling the funControl function:


handles = funControl('menu',handles,s)


Once you have loaded the structure the object has been uploaded. There are several dynamic methods you may perform on the object returned in handles. Such as.


obj = handles.(Tag); % pull object from handles


handles.(Tag).Visible = 'off'; % turn visibility off


handles.(Tag).Visible = 'on'; % turn visibility on


info_structure = handles.(Tag).last; pull info on last click


Note: many of the following fields listed above are dynamic!!


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